Muscle Building

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In stressful everyday life, exercise, sports and regular muscle training often fall by the wayside. There is also the natural decrease in muscle mass that comes with ageing. How can you nonetheless quickly and very effectively develop strength and muscle mass?

Our systems for muscle development offer the solution: Training units with magnetic or electrical pulses that stimulate muscle contractions. All treatments are suitable for young and older people, for beginners and for those who are familiar with the training, and also for professional athletes.


For the following treatments, one to two sessions per week lasting 20 to 30 minutes are sufficient to tighten and strengthen sections of muscle in a targeted manner. Three time-saving and effective alternatives to strength training in the gym. Also ideally suited for body toning following aesthetic fat reduction.


Muscle building with electrotherapy

ZStim Motivation
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You lie down – ZStim does the moving.

The treatment with ZStim takes place while lying down in a comfortable position. If necessary, the skin is cleaned or shaved beforehand to ensure that the electrodes have good skin contact. As soon as the training is started, electrical pulses stimulate contractions in the muscle region to be treated. Initially with low intensity that is then slowly increased.

Overall, the treatment is painless; at most, slight tingling is felt. Using a remote control, persons receiving treatment can independently regulate the intensity. In this way, the training is pleasant and offers maximum efficacy.

Perfect for every treatment objective

Electrotherapy treatment with ZStim strengthens and shapes the muscles and improves their circulation.

ZStim offers a number of programmes for various treatment objectives and target groups. From the beginners’ programme for reactivation and boosting of endurance, to training for muscle strengthening and muscle tightening, to the development of muscle volume for professional athletes. Frequent application regions are the abdomen, legs and buttock muscles, as well as the triceps, biceps and the posterior leg muscles. Multiple muscle regions can also be treated at the same time.

Effects and duration

Although the training with the innovative system lasts only 15 to 20 minutes, it is more effective than conventional strength training with equipment. The metabolic rate and number of calories burned also increase during treatment, and this promotes weight loss. Following an aesthetic treatment for fat reduction (such as with ZLipo) ZStim strengthens and firms the muscles.

Depending on the condition of the body, 8 to 12 sessions with one to two units per week are recommended. The treatments should be regularly repeated in the following months.


Magnetic field therapy system for body toning and muscle development

ZTone Motivation
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Muscle training without a workout

The innovative high-energy induction system ZTone tightens the muscles of the abdomen and back, buttocks, legs and upper arms. This is achieved within a short time and without exercise, only with the power of a strong magnetic field.

Magnetic field therapy can be used in a variety of ways, for example

  • for rapid strengthening of muscles,
  • for targeted body forming,
  • for tightening of the abdominal muscles post-pregnancy,
  • for muscle development following fat reduction, or
  • to counteract muscle atrophy and age-related muscle breakdown.

The comfortable way to an ideal physique

The treatment is nearly painless and non-invasive. You lie comfortably during the 20- to 30-minute passive training. Two broad applicators are secured over the muscles using elastic bands. They can be used with the same settings or independently of one another. This opens up a variety of possible uses, such as the treatment of differently trained body regions, or the synchronous training of muscles on both sides of the body.

In general, the desired results are achieved after 6 to 8 treatments. Occasionally repeating the therapy helps ensure the positive effects over the long term.


Magnetic field training for body shaping and fast muscle development

ZField Motiv
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Muscle firming without strength training

ZField Dual is used for targeted strength training and the development of muscle mass. In addition, the magnetic field therapy promotes circulation and cell metabolism and supports fat reduction.

During the non-invasive treatment, two applicators with the same intensity stimulate the muscles with magnetic pulses. Ideal for the synchronous training of the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, arms and legs on both sides of the body. The therapy is also suitable for muscle development in older persons or for abdominal tightening following pregnancy.

Optimally effective – with maximum comfort

During the treatment, you lie comfortably, wearing sportswear, if desired.

An elastic fixation band is placed on the respective area of the body so that the two broad applicators can be positioned over the respective sections of muscle without pressure and secured. The training starts at a low level of intensity that is increased over the course of the session. The goal is for the muscle contractions to have maximum efficacy, yet also be comfortable.

Effect + number of applications

During a 20- to 30-minute training unit, the muscles are contracted many thousands of times and trained very effectively. This explains the rapid effects of the magnetic field therapy in body shaping and development of muscle mass.

In general, the treatment comprises 6 to 8 applications. One to two applications per week are optimal. For long-lasting results, it is advisable to repeat the sessions.


The devices can be combined to support fat reduction with the treatment with ZWave Pro. Combination with ZLipo is also very popular. However, the muscle tissue needs sufficient time for regeneration following magnetic field therapy.

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