Skin Tightening

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There are many reasons to undergo skin tightening, such as to counteract an age-related decrease in the elasticity and tone of the skin, following weight loss, in the case of cellulite, or simply to aesthetically optimise certain regions of the body (body contouring).

More and more people prefer non-invasive methods.

Zimmer Aesthetics offers the appropriate therapy for each treatment objective: High-intensity focused ultrasound and radiofrequency to stimulate the new formation of collagen, Cryolipolysis™ and radial shock waves for fat reduction and firming of the connective tissue, or magnetic field therapy for targeted muscle development. All without surgery, proven to be highly effective, and with visible success after just a few applications.


Many treatments lead to a defined body with an attractive silhouette and youthful, elastic skin. Below is a small selection with information about suitable devices and procedures for an especially effective combination therapy.


Firms skin and connective tissue and supports fat breakdown

Motivation ZWave Pro
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Skin tightening and body contouring

Treatment with ZWavePro gives the skin firmness and elasticity. The radial shock waves promote circulation and especially strengthen the connective tissue.

In Cryolipolysis™ the breakdown of fat is nearly doubled by accompanying shock wave treatments. At the same time, the radial shock waves tighten the skin and connective tissue and promote lymph drainage.

Painless, non-invasive treatment

Radial shock waves are mechanically generated pressure waves that are emitted into the tissue in a targeted manner via an applicator. First the doctor applies contact gel to the treatment area. Then the applicator is moved over the skin using gentle pressure. Thanks to the special soft shot technology, the shock wave treatment with ZWavePro is painless.

Noticeable results are seen even after just a few treatments with the shock wave device: Thus after 2 to 3 sessions, the skin is already visibly smoother and firmer.


The shortest route to a defined body

ZTone Motivation
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Muscle development without exercise

In “High Energy Inductive Treatment” with ZTone, electromagnetic pulses stimulate the muscles to contract. The treatment firms the large muscles of the abdomen and buttocks, the muscles of the thighs and lower legs, as well as the biceps and triceps.

Magnetic field therapy with ZTone is suitable, for example

  • for muscle development in cases of muscular atrophy,
  • for abdominal tightening post-pregnancy,
  • for strengthening muscles following fat reduction,
  • for body forming to optimise body regions in a targeted way,
  • or for strengthening the muscles quickly and without a workout.

Highly efficient and pleasant

A training session with ZTone lasts 20 to 30 minutes. Persons receiving treatment lie relaxed on a couch and the two applicators are positioned over the respective part of the muscle using fixation bands. The applicators can be used individually or independent of one another in various intensities for sections of muscle trained to different degrees. Patients are presentable immediately after the non-invasive treatment, without any downtime.

During the treatment, there are 25,000 to 32,000 muscle contractions – many times more than can be achieved, for example, during abdominal training or by sit-ups. Magnetic field therapy with ZTone therefore offers maximum efficiency in a short time.

ZField Dual

Muscle development and body shaping with magnetic field therapy

ZField Motiv
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Develop muscles, break down fat.

Like ZTone, ZField Dual is a high-energy induction system for muscle development with magnetic pulses that cause spontaneous muscle contractions. Even stubborn fat deposits are broken down as a result.

During the approximately half-hour application, areas of muscle at the abdomen, buttocks, legs and upper arms are trained with several thousand contractions.

A highly efficient method, for example

  • in cases of age- or illness-related muscle atrophy,
  • for abdominal tightening following pregnancy,
  • or to optimise areas of body in a targeted way.

Non-invasive and painless

The treatment takes place while lying down in a comfortable position. Two applicators, each with the same pulse intensities, are secured over the respective areas of muscle using a fixation band, for example, to synchronously stimulate opposing muscles. The training unit starts at a well-tolerated intensity level that is later increased. Persons receiving treatment have a presentable appearance immediately after the training.

A session with ZField Dual lasts 20 to 30 minutes. The strong magnetic field stimulates cell metabolism and circulation and promotes muscle growth. An additional effect is support for fat breakdown. The treatment is generally completed after 6 to 8 applications. Then significant results can be seen.


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