Erectile Dysfunction

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In more than two thirds of cases, erectile dysfunction (ED for short) has physical causes. Insufficient circulation is very often the cause of longer-lasting erection problems. GentlePro uses low-energy shock waves to promote circulation of the corpus cavernosum over the long term and stimulates the formation of new blood vessels (neoangiogenesis).

GentlePro has also been successfully used in therapy for penile curvature (induratio penis plastica, abbreviated as IPP). The effects of the shock wave therapy are additionally amplified in combination with other ED treatments, such as vacuum pumps, PDE-5 inhibitors, or autologous blood therapy (platelet rich plasma).


A non-invasive therapy with a strong impact

Gentle Pro Motiv
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Treatment procedure with GentlePro

Patients usually come in twice per week for outpatient treatment with GentlePro. During the treatment, they lie on their back and lotion is applied to the treatment area. Then, using the handpiece, the doctor applies the radial shock waves to the shaft of the penis, the prostate, and the area around the genitals.

The shock waves stimulate the corpus cavernosum, the vessels expand and have improved perfusion. The formation of new blood vessels is also stimulated.

Painless and comfortable

A treatment generally lasts 25 to 30 minutes. Discretion and a relaxing atmosphere are the top priority.

In addition, the treatment with low-energy shock waves is painless. There are no known side effects.

The patients can resume their normal everyday activities immediately after the session.

Compelling successes

Shock wave therapy with GentlePro has a crucial advantage over other ED treatments: There are virtually no risks and the results are significant in most cases.

Depending on the degree of erectile dysfunction, about 6 to 8 treatments are needed to achieve a lasting improvement in erectile dysfunction. Often just a few treatment units have a positive effect on erectile function.


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